Title: Great attorney to work with
“Great guy to work with, got straight to business, told me what I needed to hear and went to work for us. When I left his office I felt confident I was in good hands and not getting taken for a ride. Great guy, great attorney! Would absolutely hire him again.”
Title: Excellent divorce attorney
“I would highly recommend Chance Harrison to anyone seeking legal advice. After consultation with Mr. Harrison I knew he was definitely the attorney to represent me in my divorce. He’s very thorough with good knowledge of what to except in a legal situations. He’s energetic, upbeat and positive. With the result of “feeling at ease!” He will do his best in a timely manner as well.”
Title: Best Young attorney in East Tennessee without a doubt!
“I have you used Chance in my business and personal affairs and can say definitively he is one of Knoxville’s best young attorneys. I recently had a real estate deal that I needed help on and without Chance I would have not collected a penny in back rent or fees do to me get my property back in shape to rent. Without Mr. Harrison I’m sure looking back on it now I would have not gotten a penny and would probably still have that tenant to deal with. In addition to several “routine business matters” that he handled beautifully exceeding all my expectations. He has in addition handled some more sensitive personal legal issues way beyond what I had hoped. Literally Mr. Harrison handles every matter like I am family. If you’re considering hiring an attorney in Knoxville for any reason I highly recommend Chance.”